We start a new school year 2024-2025 at Casvi International American School!

Una niña abrazando a la mascota del colegio en Casvi International American School en su primer día de colegio

Yesterday we lived a very special day at Casvi International American School: the first day of the new school year 2024-2025. It has been a pleasure to see our students again, both those who were already part of our community and the new students who joined yesterday. Laughter, nerves, and excitement took over the classrooms, hallways, and patios, marking the beginning of a new school year that will be full of learning and unforgettable experiences.

Starting the new 2024-2025 school year with surprises

To start the new school year in the best possible way, Howler, our school mascot, could not be missing at the entrance of our school. Our beloved wolf encouraged our students to start the day with a big smile, hugging everyone.

After the start of classes, the school principal, Virginia Caballero, visited all the classes to dedicate some warm words of welcome to all the classes and especially to the Diploma Programme students. They will be taking the IB (International Baccalaureate) exams this year and we are sure that with their effort, hours of study and preparation and the help of our highly qualified teachers, they will achieve the best results.

In this new school year 2024-2025, our students, besides learning knowledge that will be very useful for their future, will live a lot of new and enriching experiences. We will not miss our traditional festivities such as the Christmas Festival, Carnival, Spring Festival, Halloween, Thanksgiving, book fairs, graduations… We are looking forward to the new school year!

Tips for families with young children in the new school year 2024-2025

Niña pequeña entrando en el colegio de Casvi International American School en su primer día de curso escolar 2024-2025

We know that the first day of school can be full of emotions for both students and families. Below, we share some expert advice to help make the adjustment as smooth as possible for both younger and older students.

1. Establish a solid routine

Establishing daily routines early in the school year helps young children adjust more easily to the change of starting school. Regular schedules for eating, playing, and sleeping provide a framework of security that contributes to their emotional well-being.

2. Managing the separation

For many young children, the first day of school may be the first time they are separated from their parents for an extended period of time. When it is time to drop children off at school, it is essential to say goodbye briefly and positively, conveying security and confidence. Crying is a normal and natural reaction, but parents should show serenity so that the little ones feel that they are in a safe place.

3. Promoting autonomy

Small gestures such as letting children choose their clothes or prepare their backpacks allow them to feel more responsible and prepared for this new stage. “It is crucial that parents give small spaces of independence to encourage children’s security,” says pedagogue Eva Bach.

Tips for families with Middle and High School students

1. Promote organization and planning

As students get older, the academic load also increases. Eduard Estivill, author and neuroscience specialist, suggests that success in studies is directly related to good time planning. Having a visible calendar with exams and assignments, as well as study schedules, is key to avoiding last-minute stress.

2. Accompanying without overwhelming

Teenage years are a time when young people begin to seek more independence. Experts in psychology recommend accompanying children on their academic path without falling into overprotection. They should feel that their family is there when they need it, but also that they trust in their ability to solve problems.

3. Encourage open dialogue

It is important for adolescents to feel that they can share their concerns, accomplishments and frustrations with their parents. Creating an atmosphere of trust and open communication is essential. Honest, non-judgmental conversations strengthen family bonds and help young people cope with the challenges of school.

Alumnos cursando el Bachillerato Internacional o IB sentados en el aula en el primer día de curso escolar 2024-2025 en Casvi International American School
Dos profesoras dando clase en Bachillerato Internacional en el primer día de curso escolar 2024-2025

A year to grow and learn together

At Casvi International American School, we are committed not only to the academic success of our students, but also to their overall development. In addition, we believe that collaboration between the school and families is key to ensuring that this is a year full of meaningful learning and growth for all.

Thank you to all the families for trusting us one more year! We hope that this new school year 2024-2025 will be as enriching as it is unforgettable for all our students.

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