Thanksgiving at school – December News by Casvi

Portada de News by Casvi diciembre. Acción de Gracias en el colegio y mucho más

Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving at Casvi Tres Cantos American School?

Don’t miss our December News by Casvi! We tell you highlights of the last month in the classrooms, such as Thanksgiving at school and our traditional Book Fair.

Do you know why we celebrate Thanksgiving? Take a look at our magazine and we’ll tell you all about it.

Student interviews and creativities

As we do every month, we interview a new Casvi International American School student about his or her talent or interests. This month, it is Carmen’s turn. She has been doing rhythmic gymnastics since she was five years old and tells us why she loves the sport so much. Don’t miss his interview!

In addition, we show you the creativity of our students. So much talent!

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