Pen Pals friends

Alumna leyendo la carta por correspondencia de su amigo de Estados Unidos

At Casvi International American School, we are excited to share a new educational initiative that has captured the attention and active participation of our Middle School students: the Pen Pals Program. A language exchange program that, thanks to new technologies, allows us to offer a language exchange experience without the need to travel.

What is the Pen Pals Program?

The Pen Pals Program is a great opportunity for students to connect with other students from another country through letter exchanges. This initiative seeks to foster an authentic and lasting connection between students from different parts of the world.

Benefits of the Pen Pals program

1- Development of writing and communication skills

2- Immersion in an intercultural experience

3- Significant connections

Through written correspondence, students improve their writing and communication skills in a unique and personalized way, enhancing their language skills.

The Pen Pals Program opens the possibility of living a cultural adventure that transcends borders. Students not only share words, but also explore and appreciate their cultural differences.

Students build meaningful relationships with peers from around the world. This connection not only broadens their horizons but also promotes a deeper understanding of global diversity and the multicultural society in which we live.

Experience of the Pen Pals program at Casvi International American School

Alumnas respondiendo a sus cartas por correspondencia del programa de Pen Pals

Our Middle School students have enthusiastically embraced the Pen Pals Program in collaboration with Avondale GATE Magnet School in Michigan, USA. The exchange of letters has already begun, opening the doors to a cultural adventure that transcends borders.

This new initiative, which is being implemented for the first time this year, is part of our commitment to comprehensive education and a global perspective.

Our Middle School students have already received letters from their U.S. pen pals and are eagerly writing their responses.

To sum up, this program not only improves writing and communication skills but also provides our students with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in a cross-cultural experience. Building meaningful connections with colleagues from around the world broadens horizons and fosters a deeper understanding of global diversity. And who knows, maybe it will be the starting point for lifelong friendships.

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